Saturday, August 29, 2009

Guess what everyone?

Granny made this shirt for me to wear last night to tell Papa and Aunt Heather that I was going to be a big sister. Mommy took me to the bathroom to change my diaper and slip this shirt one me. As you can see in this picture, I am excited too :)
I love my Mommy and Daddy!
Had to tell all of my friends the good news :)

Friday Nite

We met Granny, Papa, and Aunt Heather at Montana's last night in W'ford for dinner. Afterwards I went home with them and Mommy and Daddy are going to have a date night Saturday. Then they will head out here on Sunday to pick me up.
I just love lemons.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday fun

Today was our last full day here in Kansas. I am ready to see my daddy tomorrow night, but I am going to miss it up here. We have had so much fun and the weather was just perfect. Can't wait to come back in December.

The weather was perfect tonight so we cooked out hamburgers and hot dogs and ate on the deck.

I got some playing time in with my Uncle Scott.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Best for last!

I ate Trish's lemon tonight and Mommy caught this face on camera. The silly thing is, I kept eating it!

What you all been waiting for.....

Mommy saved the best pictures for last. This morning we started the day with a walk in the garden out back. I had to go show my baby the pretty flowers and pond.
I got to feed the ducks and geese. They were really nice and didn't get to close.

Mommy pointed out this cool donkey and I got on it by myself. Everyone was surprise I knew what to do when I was on it. You will have to see Mommy's video.

We saw some baby chickens and I wasn't afraid one bit. They were so small and cute.

All I can say is "priceless."

Uncle Scott and Trish

Uncle Scott and Trish went with us to Deanna Rose. I'm so glad that they did, they are so fun to be around.

Trish went with me on the playground a couple of times. She helped me stay clear of the big kids. The playground was very crowded.

Smile you two!

Gramma and Grampa

Now here are some pictures Mommy took with me and Gramma and Grampa. This one we were watching the pigs.
Mommy told us to set on this stump.

We are petting one of the milk cows.

Now it's my turn to milk the cow. I am a pro!

Grampa and Me!

Today is Saturday and that means Grampa doesn't have to work all day long. Yay! After get got home we went to Deanna Rose Farmstead and saw all sorts of animals. The weather was perfect and everyone was out with their families.
In this picture we were looking at the Prairie Dogs

Grampa and I going down one of the slides. This one came out of a barn, really cool.

Grampa and I were at the top before going on a different slide.

We are just to silly :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

More Gramma pictures

Mommy loves to capture pictures of Gramma and me. She's sneaky because we don't even know she's doing it.
Don't worry everybody, Gramma wouldn't let me fall in.

After the Legends we went to eat at Panda Express. Gramma's never been so we had to show her what she's been missing. The weather was so nice we even got to eat outside.

Serious kiss.

Legends time

Today we headed to the Legends. Mommy and Gramma got pedicures and the they even put a warm towel on my legs. Maybe next time I can get my toenails painted. Gramma painted them when we got back home.
On the Yellow Brick Road.
Now I got the hang of smelling flowers.

Can you tell we are at the Legends?

Gramma let me play in the fountain and I got all wet. Mommy made me get down and I wasn't a happy girl at all, but like always I got over it pretty fast.

Gramma bought me a baby doll to keep up here in Kansas.

Gramma time!

Now it's time for "Gramma and Me" pictures. This pond was HUGE if you recall the picture of me on the bridge, on the last post, you can see it across the way.
I think Gramma was very nervous crossing these rocks while holding me.

Look, Mommy squeezed in a picture of us. :)

Gramma had a great time going down the slides with me. You should see the picture of her and the big loop slide.

Park time

Thursday we started the day helping Gramma with her Meals of Wheels route. I did such a great job and new exactly what to do. I handed the cold stuff sack to all the ladies/gentleman's. They loved me and I even got two pieces of chocolate and a rubber ducky.
After we finish our route we headed to Taco Bell to pick up lunch and headed to the park. This picture was taken on the path around the big pond. I just love water.

This was a cool playground. They had a small wooden town that had everything from a post office to a school house. I even got to go to jail :)

And of course my favorite part, the swings.

"Did you say smell or eat the flower?"