Monday, June 29, 2009

Poor Miss Lyra

Poor Miss Lyra is sick. She's had a cough since Thursday night, but we thought it was just because she was drooling alot due to cutting her 2 year molars. But Saturday she started to have a runny nose and a small fever. Sunday the fever just got higher as the day went on, so I called the doctors right at 8 this morning. They squeezed her in at 8:30 but couldn't find anything wrong. They did a screp test but that came back negative. They want us to keep giving her Tylenol and Zyrtec and if the fever hasn't gone away by Wednesday we need to bring her back in for some blood work and urine test. Hopefully it will start breaking tonight or tomorrow. As of right now she is just VERY clingy. Her fever is staying around 101 degrees and her nose if flowing a river.
Keep her in your prayers tonight. We ALL need sleep tonight. Last night noone slept.


  1. I will be praying tonight. Poor thing, its not fun being sick, especially at that age.

    Aunt Heather

  2. I sure hope she's better today! We love you, sweetie!
    Gramma & Grandpa

  3. Hope you are feelimg better tonight.
    We love you, Papa & Granny
