Thursday, July 2, 2009

Getting better by the minute

I'm sorry I didn't make a post yesterday. We were at the doctors ALL day long. Lyra had a 10 o'clock appointment yesterday morning with Dr. Fricker and checked her out head to toe. He heard some liquid in her lungs and sent her to get a chest x-ray. We headed to Southlake to do that. She HATED the x-rays and they had to call someone else to come in and help me hold her still. We then headed to Target to pick up her prescription and got home around 1 o'clock. Dr. Fricker's nurse called around 2:30 and said that she did in fact have Pneumonia and we needed to head back in to do a breathing treatment. Since it was Wednesday Dr. Fricker was at the Keller office and not the one right down the street. So here we went back into the truck and headed back to Keller. He had to do two breathing treatments to get the results he wanted and wrote us two more prescriptions. After leaving the office at 4:45 we headed back to Target. We got home shortly before 6 o'clock and both of us were worn out to the tee. We went to bed in the extra bedroom around 9 o'clock and she only woke up twice coughing. After drinking some water she went back to bed.
This morning Lyra and I woke up around 8:30. She was a total different girl. She wanted to play with her new baby (yes I had to buy her one yesterday since I felt sorry for her and she deserved it after the day we had) and started getting out all of her toys. I know she was feeling better and I'm so glad. For breakfast I cooked her toast and eggs, but she didn't even eat a bite. She even passed up a Popsicle and fruit snacks. But she did drink some milk and water so we were off to a better start than the days before. She didn't eat lunch for by the time dinner came around tonight she pigged out. She ate really good so hopefully her appetite is back and we can get on her regular eating habits tomorrow.
Granny helping out with a breathing treatment and testing out a new attachment. Since I found out that she can still suck her pacifier I am going to stick with the mask. It worked great tonight. Thanks mom for your help today. I REALLY enjoyed my nap!

Daddy was happy to have his little Lyra Belle back. He missed playing with her when he gets home from work.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that she is feeling better. It is good to see her smiling again. I love you lots Lyra.

    Sending Hugs and Kisses,
    Aunt Heather
