Wednesday, May 19, 2010


On Monday we received a package in the mail from Gramma and Grandpa. We just LOVE getting special packages in the mail.

Mommy told me to smile for Gramma and I wasn't in a good mood since she told me that I couldn't open Logan's. (he was asleep) Don't let the picture fool you though, I really do like my new My Little Pony.

Now it's time for Logan to open his. Lyra is now asleep (it was so nice that she went to bed at 7:30, I could get use to that)

Logan's first package, can't wait for him to get excited like Lyra and Sandy does every time they see a box at the front door.


  1. Love Lyra's face in the picture. =)

  2. haha! So glad you got the package. That was some face you made for Mommy;p I'm glad you, Logan and Sandy liked the package. We have fun putting things together for yall!
    See you soon!!

  3. What a face Lyra. Logan looked happy about the gifts.

    Hugs and Kisses,
    Aunt Heather
